Business valuation
Although every company has its own unique set of circumstances, there are specific factors that determine what a business is worth. Take, for instance, innovations, reputation or brand name. Factors that cannot be learned just by leafing through a book. A company’s economic value differs from its accounting value and is based on the pattern of future cash flows.
Because cash flows are influenced by timing and uncertainty, it is crucial that these factors are carefully considered and properly assessed beforehand.
A sound business valuation requires thorough strategic knowledge and a firm understanding of the market and the competition. Financial expertise, insight into the value and price of shares, and knowledge of the merger and take-over market are key. In addition, it is also important to make well-considered choices in terms of which valuation methods to use.
Wingman’s business valuators more than understand business valuation – they live and breathe it on a daily basis. They are able to get to the bottom of each assignment quickly, and understand – or see through – the drivers behind the prognoses.