Sandra van Ooijen

S. van Ooijen MSc MBV RV

Mobile phone: + 31 (0)6 – 555 226 96

Sandra van Ooijen is valuation consultant within Wingman since the beginning of 2017. Before joining Wingman, Sandra worked for Rabobank as financing specialist and as account manager large corporate clients. Sandra’s primary focus is on financial analysis and valuations of assets and shares within transactions, Purchase Price Allocations (PPA) and impairment testing. She has credentials as a Registered Valuator (RV) and is a member of the Dutch Institute of Registered Valuators (NIRV).


After receiving her Bachelor of Business Administration degree at the Hotel Managementschool in Maastricht, Sandra obtained her master in Policy, Communication & Organisation at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. In 2019 she obtained her master in Business Valuation at TIAS School for Business and Society in Tilburg.

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